Procedure of getting a grant for study

The application for getting a grant for study in accordance with the Resolution of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Belarus № 646 dated 07.09.2018 is carried out in 3 stages.

First step. Till February 20 a candidate applying documents for admission to study provides a list of documents to the diplomatic representation of the Republic of Belarus.


  • a candidate application for admission to study (filled in free form with arguments in favour of the chosen speciality);
  • reference from the place of study (for students);
  • copies of the document allowing going abroad;
  • documents confirming the Belarusian origin (if available);
  • copy of education certificate or certificate stating that a foreign citizen is a student;
  • copies of medical document about the state of health, indicating the possibility of training in the chosen specialty and certificate about the absence of HIV infection;
  • copy of the document confirming the knowledge of Russian and (or) Belarusian languages.

These documents made in a foreign language must be accompanied by a translation into Russian or Belarusian language, obligatory notarized.

Till March 15 the diplomatic representation of the Republic of Belarus forms preliminary lists of candidates and sends them with the copies of the submitted documents (on paper and in electronic form) to the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Belarus.

Second step. Interdepartmental commission considers preliminary lists of candidates and copies of the provided documents, makes the list of candidates. Educational institutions receive lists of candidates from the interdepartmental commission and organize interviews with candidates.

Third step. Till June 15 examination boards of educational institutions interview candidates, including remote method with the help of information and communication technology. Educational institutions notify candidates of the positive results of the interview and provide them with invitations necessary for their entry to the Republic of Belarus.

Till June 20 the Ministry of Education of the Republic Of Belarus approves candidate lists judging by the results of the interview.